Monday, December 05, 2005

Holiday Fun

Maddie just loves this Christmas season. She is so into all the characters. (We tell her Santa works for Jesus!) Every night we drive around in our pajamas to look at Christmas lights. She has her favorite houses that she requests every time. I don't know how we're going to break the news to her after New Years when all the lights are gone!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Merry Christmas

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Saturday, December 03, 2005

What's new with Maddie

Here's a little update on our past week. Maddie has been sick with a cold and cough. As you can tell, she doesn't like the cough medicine at all. She's also decided that she doesn't want to wear diapers anymore so we've begun potty training. She's doing great concidering she's not even 18 mos yet. Some days she does better than others, but I'm trying to stay consistent since I think she can do it. Her little buddy Taylor is jealous of her potty chair so looks like she's going to be getting one of her own and potty training too.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Thanksgiving 2005

It was another sunny Thanksgiving this year. Maddie had to wear a Spring dress. As you can tell, Maddie is thankful for her Uncle Davey.